Infrastructure and Administrative Law
■ Legal assistance for tenders and other modes of public bids, impugnation of Bid Notices and preparation of resources in view of decisions rendered by bidding entities.
■ Assistance in the implementation of Public Service Concessions, Private Public Partnerships (Parcerias Público Privadas – PPPs).
■ Assistance in the creation and implementation of private consortiums and association agreements, legal assistance for groups of investors.
■ Analysis, impugnation and negotiation in view of public utility or social interest statements issued by the Public Administration, aimed at expropriating goods of our clients, consulting and assistance during friendly expropriation process (administrative) and/or representing such at the respective judicial proceeding.
■ Advisory and litigation law involving other property limitations, such as administrative easements, listed buildings, requisition, temporary occupation, among others, promoted by the Public Administration.
■ Representation of our clients at different entities of the Federal, State and Municipal Public Administration in internal department processes.
■ Preparation of opinions, study and definition regarding strategies to be adopted by our clients in direct and indirect Public Administration, in contractual and extra-contractual relations.
■ Analysis, guidance and impugnation of administrative acts and/or penalties, such as fines, interdictions, seizure of goods and products, suspension of activities, revocation of registrations and licenses.
■ Assistance in the structuring of project finance, structuring of guarantees and term sheets. Assistance in financing and guarantee agreements, long-term contracts for the supply of input or products backed by guarantees.
■ Proposal of all judicial and administrative measures essential to guarantee the interests of our clients in relation to the Public Administration.